PHM Monthly Connect | July 2019

PHM July 2019 Devotional (Part 3 of 4)

How great is our God? There is no other god like Him. No other god wants to be up close and personal with his followers. No other god suffered public humiliation and offered his own body and blood in exchange for his people. No other god suffered, died, and rose again so that He might be the firstborn of many.

Because our God is compassionate and forgiving, He poured out His wrath on Jesus, and He has poured out His grace on us. We are cleansed. We are forgiven. We are made righteous.

God is great because He wants us to be forever with Him and He made a way for that to happen. Jesus, the way, made a way. We did nothing to deserve forgiveness or salvation. That is all God’s doing. It is His grace. And it is marvelous in our eyes. Our God is great!

We come boldly to a throne of grace- not a throne of wrath and condemnation. It is a throne of grace, a place where we can cry, “Abba, Father. Daddy”
(Rom. 8:15).

There is no fear in the presence of Abba because Jesus- the manifested grace of God- released us from the bondage and fear of death (Heb. 2:14-15). Since we couldn’t free ourselves, God Himself freed us.

The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made us free from the law of sin and death. Sin no longer has the power to reign in us when we choose to let Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit, reign in us.

What other god has released its followers from the bondage and fear of death?
That is why we celebrate His greatness – we are free!

I want to encourage you today to take time and praise God for the bondages in your life from which He has set you free. We serve a great God that is greatly to be praised.

Triumphant Always,

Dr. Pat Harrison

Ryann Weaver