PHM Monthly Connect | August 2019

PHM August 2019 Devotional (Part 4 of 4)

God came in grace- Jesus Christ- and did what we couldn’t do. We couldn’t make ourselves presentable to God. There was nothing I could do to make myself holy and good. There was nothing you could do.

We can’t even walk in holiness and sanctification without the grace and power of God. By faith, we receive what God has done by His grace to make us presentable to Himself. By faith and grace each day, we work out this great salvation.

By faith, we say, “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.” By faith, we declare, “I am seated in the heavenliness with Christ Jesus.” By faith, we declare, “I am a child of God. I am His sheep. I know His voice and the voice of another I will not follow.” By faith, we declare, “I will finish my course. I will run my race.”

That is why we celebrate His greatness. God has given us the Spirit of Life- the Holy Spirit. He is the higher power. He is greater than the law of sin and death and He is at work in us.

He set us free but He didn’t leave us all by ourselves to live out this freedom. He fills us with Himself- the Holy Spirit- so that we can live out the freedom from the law of sin and death.

Let’s celebrate His grace. Let’s celebrate His mercy. Let’s celebrate His love.

Let’s celebrate God’s greatness!

Triumphant Always,

Dr. Pat Harrison

Ryann Weaver