PHM Monthly Connect | Sept 2019

Jesus is Our Peace

Ephesians 2:14 says, “…For He is Himself our Peace.” This passage is speaking of a two-fold purpose. First, Jesus Himself is the one who has reconciled His people to God through His death. Second, He also reconciled us to one another! When we say Jesus “is our peace” we are setting forth a truth that says He has “made peace” and “proclaimed peace”. It is in Him that we enjoy our peace. He is God’s power of reconciliation in our lives – the power of peace with God and with one another.

Isaiah 9:6… “His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God. The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Jesus the Prince of Peace is the one bringing true peace. What is that true peace? It is the power of salvation, blessings, and wonderful well-being – a peace that will be fully in effect in the millennium.

But Jesus in us now is the power and the presence of God’s peace. If you are a believer, you cannot say, “I have no peace”. That would be to deny the Prince of Peace who dwells in you. Rather we must say, “Jesus the Prince of Peace is the power of God’s peace or the force of God’s peace dwelling in me!”

Our salvation brings us peace but also blessings and the wonderful sense of well-being that are in this life and the life to come!

Triumphant Always,

Dr. Pat Harrison

Ryann Weaver