PHM Monthly Connect | July

We are continuing to talk about who the Holy Spirit is.  

And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another [a]Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of Truth, whom the world cannot receive [and take to its heart] because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He (the Holy Spirit) remains with you continually and will be in you. John 14:16 & 17  

The Holy Spirit is our ADVOCATE!

The idea of advocate comes from the Greek word PARAKLETOS or PARAKLETE. It speaks of the act of coming to one’s side in order to help them. 

 The Holy Spirit is an Advocate to us. Not only does He console us but He is one that comes to our aid. He ministers to us through our spirit. 

Support is another meaning of Advocate. When we are speaking and declaring the Word of God, He is the one who supports our course of action. In other words, the Holy Spirit is there as a support to keep us on course with what we are declaring according to the Word of God. 

Another meaning of Advocate is booster, which means a source of help; encouragement. 

The Holy Spirit is our source of encouragement. He will always encourage us in our walk with the Lord. He quickens us in our spirit to listen to Him for wisdom and understanding. Always, He is bringing scriptures to our remembrance to keep us on course. What a great encourager He is!

 Another meaning of Advocate is uphold. To uphold means to confirm or to maintain. 

The Holy Spirit as our advocate will uphold us. He will confirm the things in life when we need the assurance that we are still on course. 

The Holy Spirit will maintain us. That means He is ever present to help us stay consistent. Consistency is so important in our walk with the Lord to stay our course and destiny. 

Allow the Holy Spirit to be your Advocate in every area of your life. He will help you to maintain your intimate relationship with Father God and help you maintain your joy. 

Many years ago I was thanking the Holy Spirit for giving me wisdom for the day. I had several counselling appointments at the office that day and just needed to draw from the Holy Spirit. Afterwards I asked for His wisdom and I just began to pray in tongues. The Holy Spirit took me to John 14:26 (AMP), reminding me that He will bring to my remembrance everything I need for that day. What a great encouragement that was for me. He was encouraging me that I knew the Word of God and I need just rely on Him and He would come to my aid.  

The Holy Spirit is our ADVOCATE! 



Ryann Weaver